Creia em Jesus

Tenha vida abundante

assorted-color land formation with cross on top
assorted-color land formation with cross on top
a person wearing a black shirt with a graphic design on it
a person wearing a black shirt with a graphic design on it

Creia em Jesus como seu único salvador e receba a graça e salvação que Ele oferece. Arrependa-se dos pecados, busque santidade e viva uma vida abundante em Cristo.

Quality, not quantity

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.


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Jesus Saves LED signage on concrete building
Jesus Saves LED signage on concrete building
black cross statue
black cross statue
a crowd of people with their hands up in the air
a crowd of people with their hands up in the air
a scrabbled piece of wood that says i am the way
a scrabbled piece of wood that says i am the way